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Talk:Troy (film)

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Paris and Hellen ages


It says that Hellen must be a generation younger that Paris, but in one version, Paris sees Hellen in the eyes of Aphrodite and falls in love. This means that Hellen wasn´t a generation younger than Páris. Maybe Achilles were, but not Hellen.

Correction in the plot about Achilles weakness...


Achilles is not invulnerable in the movie, he says so himself in the beginning of the film and has no weak spot in his heel (his heel is of course as vulnerable as any other part of his body in the movie, that includes being pierced by arrows).

I replaced the original paragraph << Paris manages to find Achilles and shoots an arrow that goes straight through Achilles' fatal weakness, his heel. Crippled, he is then hit in the chest by several more arrows, but is able to remove them. Though the wound to his ankle proves decisive. >> with this one << Paris manages to find Achilles and shoots an arrow that goes straight through Achilles'heel. Crippled, he turns to face him but is hit in the chest by several more arrows, despite pleads from Briseis. Though he removes them, he is fatally wounded and unable to fight. >> . Achilles is killed by being shot 3 times in the main body, not from the one shot in his heel (which still cripples him of course)